About the workshop

We invite submissions from professionals, researchers, designers, artists, and XR advocates across diverse disciplines intersecting with XR/VR. This workshop aims to bring together individuals who share an interest in this domain with the explicit objective of fostering meaningful discussion and enduring collaborations.

Whether you are delving into the technical aspects or exploring ethical considerations, your contribution is essential in influencing the future trajectory of XR. The goals of the workshop are:

  • Gain insights into existing XR applications and scenarios.
  • Collaboratively generate and explore multi-sensory XR scenarios.
  • Explore ethical implications in designing future XR experiences.

Main Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

  • XR interaction, experiences, and techniques for more than one user.
  • Multi-sensory XR experiences.
  • Ethical considerations for designing for and interaction in XR environments.
  • XR and haptic feedback innovations.
  • Indoor and outdoor XR exploration.

Submission Information

We seek position papers that are 3 to 6 pages long, including figures, but excluding references. Submissions longer than six pages of content excluding references will be desk rejected and not reviewed.

All papers for the conference must be submitted using the NEW SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Format. Templates are provided to authors in this format for both Microsoft Word and LaTeX (inc. Overleaf).

Admittance to the workshop will be based on the overall quality, novelty, and relevance of the submission. The organizers aim to assemble a group of presenters who can effectively represent diverse and multidisciplinary aspects, with specific goals:

  • Learning from ongoing research and examining the possibilities of multi-sensory experiences utilizing haptic feedback within both indoor and outdoor extended reality contexts.
  • Gaining insights into the correlation between the utilization of extended reality technologies and societal needs in terms of ethics, security, trustworthiness, and inclusivity, focusing on a society-centric perspective.

Papers should be submitted via EasyChair by May 15th. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the IMX conference (including or only workshop registration) and attend the workshop.


  • Asreen Rostami, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden & Stockholm University,
  • Andrii Matviienko, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Submission dates (provisional):

  • Paper submission by 15 May 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance TBA
  • Camera ready submission TBA
  • Submission System Link TBA

Format: Half-Day in-person  workshop, June 12th 2024

For more information contact: Asreen Rostami – asreen.rostami@ri.se

How to submit: Please submit your workshop via email to mailto:asreen.rostami@ri.se?subject=IMX’24 Workshop Submission